FREE! 📕! Friends, I have been reading, studying and researching a book since 1997 for over 25 years. This book has an amazing amount of our ancient ancestors’ lost history titled The Urantia Book. All my adult life I searched for a reason for being on this earth with all its pains and sorrows, it didn’t make any sense to me. At age 60 I found The Urantia Book what I’ve been searching for all these years, it is awesome. The book has 2,097 pages and several sections is difficult to understand, but what I do understand, OMG.
The Urantia Book was compiled in the late 1920s and early 1930s published in 1955. When the book was published the Illuminati, Cabal and Deep State blacklisted the book, we of cause didn’t know them by that name then, we only knew them as intelligent rich people, and at that time they were always right. They even got the colleges to deny the book’s worth. The Book human authors, or author was never found, the globalists claimed spooks wrote the book.
The book answer many of the Bible’s complexed statements, an example Genesis 1:26 says: “Let us make man in our image after our likeness.” This tells us that in the distant future we will evolve into gods in their likeness. 1 Corinthains 3:16 it states: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?” And what Jesus said in John 17:21 “That they all may be one: as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may also be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” Jesus is explaining that one day we will be one with God as he is. The Urantia book explain how all of this happens in Paper 107-111, Origin and Nature of the Thought Adjuster (The God within). Paper 110 section 6 explains the 7 Psychic Circles we must go through before we marge with the God within, that is how we will become gods in the far distant future if we chose that path. We don’t have to live forever if we choose not to.
In the far distant future, there will be new universes created, and we will be the gods of those universes if we chose, just as there are gods of our universes. And of course, there will always be the Universal God. In The Urantia Book you’ll learn all of this. The Globalists don’t want us to know that one day we’ll be gods, that is our reason for beings.
All of this was hidden from us by the ancient Nephilim, not all Nephilim were giants, but all descendants of the celestial sons of God in Genesis 6:4 who had children with humans, and were known for thousands as Nephilim in ancient time they went around for thousands of years bragging they were offspring of gods. Here is an example of some of the things they hid from us.
Those celestial sons of God could not use the bodies they used on higher worlds on earth. The Urantia Book claims surgeons from a higher universe came to our planet at the same time the celestial sons came took plasma from the most advanced humans, and with bioengineering created superior bodies for those sons of God the Sumerians Anunnaki (those who came from heaven) were the same beings as the celestial sons of God in Genesis 6:4. There were 50 men and 50 women in ancient times they often called men and women sons of God there was no distinction see Hebrews 12: 6-7. When they were ordered to start having children, they started having children among themselves to increase their numbers after they sinned and that is the reason for the giants on Earth. Look at what the geneticists are doing on earth today, cloning and such. But they started having so many problems with the giants they were ordered to start having children with humans, see Numbers 13:30-33 and Deuteronomy 2:10 and 2:20. Genesis 6:4 says those children they had with humans became men of renown.
They had us believing only males celestial come to earth, but it appears only males were able to have children with humans, Genesis 6:4, emphasize the male sons of God had children with the daughters of men, it appears the higher beings had Rh-negative blood after their bodies were created on earth. I believe that only the negative sons could have children with the positive daughters of men. The Rh-negative daughter's celestial sons of God couldn’t have children with the Rh-positive human male. It appears those bodies that was created for the celestial sons of God was Rh negative.
UPDATED 22 MAY 2020 - 18:57 CALEB STROM Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation? "Most people who have Rh blood type are Rh-positive. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. For example, health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin.”
Genesis 6:4, they emphasize the male sons of God had children with the daughters of men, it appears the higher beings had Rh-negative blood after their bodies were created on earth. I believe that only the negative sons could have children with the positive daughters of men. The Rh-negative daughter's celestial sons of God couldn’t have children with the Rh-positive human male. There were 50 men and 50 women in Genesis 6:4, in ancient times they often called men and women sons of God there was no distinction see Hebrews 12: 6-7. It appears those bodies that was created for the celestial sons of God was Rh negative.
The Urantia Book is huge, I knew very few people would take the time to read such a massive book, after reading the entire book I knew I had to teach myself how to write books, I had to share this Awesome knowledge. It took me about 2 years to write a decent book on the basics of that book, it is enormous. The title of my book, Breaking News’ Humanity Lost History. I had Amazon published the book and it was doings ok for about a year and ½ I guess they must have read the book they suddenly block my book; they stopped selling my book, they gave no explanation. And FB has been censoring my work for years. I had to learn to build websites and publish my books on the web and it’s free. Here is what one lady had to say about the book.
Denise Martin, William Lucas WOW!! This book is so good!!! So deep!! I love it! Thank you, I just started last night.
In my Free Book you will find the full story of how the Nephilim duped us. To download MY FREE BOOK, click on the PDF sign at Here is where I get a lot of my information or put the enigma together. You can also read or listen to The Urantia Book at https//: Please pass the web addresses on to your friends.